Frequently Asked Questions about AP Exams


  1. What is the benefit of taking the AP exam?

    To earn college credit.


  2. Do I have to take the AP exam for the AP course I am currently enrolled for the school year?

    It is strongly encouraged.


  3. On average how long do I have to take the exam?

    The exam takes approximately 4 hours. You will be allowed to take small breaks. You may not leave the testing area until all examinees are complete.


  4. How do you prepare for the AP exam?

    All AP teachers are AP certified and have been trained to prepare high school students for the AP exams. Students benefit the most from paying attention and working hard in class. The content taught in class prepares all students for the exam.


  5. How are AP exams scored?

    AP exams are scored are on a scale of 1 being the lowest to 5 being the highest. If you receive a score of a 3, 4, or 5, you will receive college credit.


  6. Can I take an AP exam if I am not taking the AP course?

    It is recommended to take an AP exam unless you are currently enrolled in the AP course. In order to be successful students are encouraged to take AP exams for the class they are currently enrolled in for the current school year.


  7. If I took the AP course the previous year and I did not take the exam, can I take it this year?

    It is not recommended to take it because you are not up to date on the class material. You are encouraged to prepare and take AP exams on your current AP courses.


  8. What do I do if I have an exam scheduled for 7:30am and I ride the bus to school?

    Students must make transportation arrangements to come to school early. The AP exam schedule is set for the nation.


  9. What do I do if I have an exam scheduled for 7:30am and attend NCCA?

    Transportation will be provided to transports students to NCCA.


  10. What do I do if I have an exam scheduled for 11:30am and I ride the bus home?

         Students must make transportation arrangements to get picked up after completion             of the exam.