Title I

Title I, formerly known as Chapter 1, is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and is the foundation of the federal commitment to closing the achievement gap between low-income and other students.
Parent Guide to Title I

Continuous Communication for Parents

Mindfulness: High School | Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids

This video is part of the Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project, a series of video and print resources that caregivers and educators can use to teach their kids critical mental health and coping skills. 

Claims and Support | Skills on Demand

ELA/Literacy Support

In this lesson, parents can assist students with exploring persuasive passages to determine how an author builds an argument. Students will identify evidence and evaluate whether it is relevant, and evaluate arguments to determine whether they are effective, using short readings, skill check activities and real-world examples.

Parents/Stakeholders, we want to hear from you!

Do you have any suggestions for how we can best research out to, communicate with, and work with you as an equal partners? Do you have any suggestions for our Title 1 Program,  Engagement Policy, Parent School- Compact, Building Staff Capacity, CLIP and/or Parent and Engagement Funds? If so, please provide us with your comments on the Stakeholders' Input form below and leave this form in the office or send it in with your to school with your child.

2024-2025 NHS Title I Student and Parent Handbook (English)|(Spanish)
2024-2025  NHS Title I Schoolwide Improvement Plan (English)
2024-2025 NHS Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy-School (English)|(Spanish)
2024-2025  NHS Annual Title 1 Parent Orientation Powerpoint (available Spring 2025)

2023-2024 District Parent and Family Engagement Policy (English)| (Spanish)

2024-2025  Grade Specific School-Parent Compacts (English)|(Spanish)
2024-2025  Stakeholders' Input Form (English) (Spanish)
2024-2025  Stakeholder's Input Meeting PPT (click to view)



Parent's Right to Know
 Dear Parents

Please see the below letter from Principal Price-Williams in regards to the Every Student Succeeds Act.


NCSS Parent Connect

NCSS Parent Connect

Hello Parents and Families!

This year we are offering technical training and development for our parents (and other stakeholders). Sessions on Microsoft tools and Google tools will be held at 10:00 am on the dates listed below. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to get familiar with the tools your child will use in their classrooms. All sessions will be live webinars and recorded then linked back to the Parent Connect Canvas course under the training calendar tab (click here).